I have been writing a book about Cancer and Natural Means for many years and to date life has got in the way re completing it! However, I plan to have it published in 2020!
The book is written, taking the Cancer Act of the UK into account, where no-one, such as in Natural Medicine or a Nutritional Therapist can state that they can diagnose or cure cancer, instead, only those Doctors treating those within a conventional medicine setting my do so.
Instead, as I state throughout my work, it mentions preventative measures only and as it is not personalised to anyone’s personal health, hence, is for information purposes only and as such should not be used as a substitute for anyone’s primary Healthcare provider input.
I have studied natural medicine all of my adult life and always tried natural means before conventional means. This is no reflection on the healthcare service but only due to my own inner convictions.
I researched cancer experts who had used natural means as well as using many natural health databases and publications.
One name kept cropping up in WDDTY, Dr Patrick Kingsley. The co-author of WDDTY is Lynne McTaggart, when her Mother in law was diagnosed with late stage terminal cancer and her primary healthcare provider could do little else, she asked Dr Patrick Kingsley to assist. Dr Patrick Kingsley used to be a National Health Service (NHS UK) General Practitioner (GP) but left to set up his own natural means and environmental practice. His patients were often late stage terminal cancer, whose primary healthcare providers could offer no further support, as he had a high success/recovery rate he became known as the “cancer’ Dr and published many informative articles in WDDTY.
Dr Kingsley book added to my research re cancer and natural means, hence, I contacted him and was fortunate to have him support my own health – sadly he died a few years ago, an elderly gentleman.
Dr Kingley’s book explained using information only re food, drinks, vitamins, minerals, lifestyle and reducing environmental toxins to support health – but I wanted to know why does this work?
My enquiring mind wanted to know – what biochemistry processes was this based on? And so my book library grew!
It took me to the realms of many Nobel prize winners of the 1930’s, whose work may have been forgotten by many. And so my book library and network grew more!
Eventually I took my learning and wrote my book, currently about 70% complete – it comes from a public awareness information only approach about cancer and natural means re preventative measures and explains in an easy, non jargon way, the biochemistry processes and which foods, drinks, vitamins, minerals, supplements, herbs and exercise may be used to support the body using preventative measures.
Patricia Rose Anderson, M.A. (Honours), Post Grad. Dip. Education, Dip. Nutritional Therapy