Questions to Ask Yourself?
Do you have time to manage your health or are you juggling too many things – relationships, work, finances, home, caring for others as well as your own personal development?
Are you too busy in your active life to spend time on your health, even though your health might be sub-optimal?
What is stopping you from attaining the health you seek?
Looking after your health is key to maintaining an active and fulfilling lifestyle – if we don’t then that is when dis-ease and illness may occur.
Bio-resonance uses ground breaking technology to scan the body for imbalances, using a bio feedback process, which is also safe and non invasive.
Bio-resonance systems apply energetic bio-resonance frequencies to bring the body back to balance. Everyday we are faced with challenges which may imbalance us.
Bio-resonance is applied by selecting specific Programmes to stimulate biofeedback – which resonate with body frequencies, enabling the body to balance. The constant bio-resonance feedback monitors and adjusts frequencies, hence, customised based on personal needs.
As bio-resonance systems contain 1000’s of complex programmes, a comprehensive Bio-resonance session is achieved within a short space of time.
What Happens During A Bio-resonance Consultation?
As I use different Bio-resonance systems, I’ve described the one with the easiest explanation.
You sit in a chair, fully clothed and are connected to the Bio-resonance system usually via wrist straps – which contain sensors. It is the sensors that measure and provide Bio-resonance feedback information, between you and the system.
A typical Bio-resonance Consultation consists of complex Programmes to prepare the body, followed by a full Bio-resonance body scan. At the start of the process, an initial status provides the degree of balance within system categories. The body scan selects a profile from more than 100’s of categories, which is used as input into the Analysis and Balancing phase – when the system delivers its Bio-resonance patterns. At the end of this complex process, the system monitors “after” body status. There are many variations to this protocol, including a vast array of specialised programmes.
Feedback from clients include feeling deeply relaxed and more balanced.
An initial Bio-resonance consultation takes 90 minutes, where I take case notes, run complex programs, monitor programme output and discuss the process – therapy begins immediately after areas of issues are uncovered.
A return consultation lasts 60 minutes.
Bio-resonance initial consultation 90 minutes | £130.00 |
Bio-resonance return consultation 50 minutes | £80.00 |
As am a trained Bioresonance practitioner, an appointment can focus on bio-resonance or can also be combined with Nutritional Therapy.
If you are interested in learning more about my Bio-resonance and Energy Medicine training please click here.
Patricia Rose Anderson, M.A. Hons., Dip. Educ., H.N.C., NT DipCNM, mIFM