The body systems I support are listed in bold with italic font, whereas my training includes the specific health areas noted in either bold or normal font i.e. not in italics.
- Anti-ageing; Anti-microbial includes anti-viral food, drinks and herbs; Anti-inflammatory food, drinks, herbs and supplements; Anti-oxidant foods, drinks, vitamins, minerals and supplements; Ayurveda and the different dosas, Vatta, Pitta and Kapha
- Brain health and support of – my training has included Depression, Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD), Bi-polar Depression, Epilepsy, Insomnia, Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Addictions, Alzheimers and Dementia (early and mid stage only); Bacteria re anti-bacterial and anti-yeast food, drinks, herbs and supplements
- Cardiovascular/Heart Disease and support of – my training has included Arteriosclerosis, Varicose Veins, Blood Pressure; Cognitive and Mental Health and support of – my training has included Migraines, Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism; Children’s Health and support of – infancy, childhood, adolescents; Cancer support of, preventative measures only as per UK Cancer Act; Carbohydrate choices; Conventional medicine tests
- Digestive System and support of – my training has included Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Disease – Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis, Coeliac Disease and Non-Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity, Diverticulosis, Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth (SIBO), Peptic Ulcers, Gastro-esophageal Reflux disease / heartburn / acid reflux, Candida, Diarrohea, Constipation, Dysbiosis, Gut Health, Maldigestion; Specific Gut Supportive Nutrition Plans; Detox processes and support of – my training has included food, drinks and herbs, Respiration System/breath, Integumentary System/skin/sweat, Kidneys/urine, Digestive system/stool, Lymph System as well as processes, Lifestyle choices and reduction of Environmental toxins; DNA testing and analysis
- Energy mechanisms and Mitochondria Dysfunction and support for – my training has included fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/M.E.; Eating Disorders and support for; Environmental toxins, reduction of; Lifestyle, supportive of; Emotional and Psychological, support for
- Food Choices; Fats/Oils choices; Food Preparation choices; Functional Medicine tests
- Gallbladder support of – my training has included Gallstones
- Herbal Medicine – my training has included specific herbs and their application; Hormone/Endocrine System and support of – my training has included Adrenals, Thyroid, Pituitary, Pineal Gland
- Immune System support of – my training has included Allergies and Intolerances, Food Allergies, Hypersensitivy and Intolerances, Infectious Diseases, Colds, Flu, Autoimmune; Integumentary (Skin) System and support of – my training has included Eczema, Urticaria, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Acne, Warts and Burns
- Kidneys/Urinary and support of – my training has included Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Cystitis and Kidney Stones
- Liver and support of – my training has included reviewing body detox functions, detox foods, drinks, herbs, lifestyle and reducing environmental toxins; Lympathics and support of – my training has included dry skin brushing and reducing toxins; Metabolic Type and Needs, support for; Metabolic Syndrom and support of; Male Health and support of – my training has included hormones / testosterone, fertility; Musculoskeletal System and support of – my training has included Osteoarthritis (OA), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Gout, Osteoporosis and Ankylosing Spondylosis; Muscular System and support of – my training has included Pain, Strains, Tears and Fibromyalgia
- Naturopathic History and Philosophy; Nervous system and support for – my training has included Pain, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Autism; Nutrigenomics i.e. using Nutrition, Lifestyle and Environmental factors to positively support genetic expression
- Orthomolecular supplements i.e. co-enzyme Q10
- Protein choices; Phytonutrient choices; Pharmacology – my training has included drug interactions with specific foods; Pancreas and support of – my training has included Diabetes Type I and II, including blood sugar levels
- Respiratory system and support of – my training has included asthma, catarrh, rhinitis, colds, sinusitis, allergies, laryngitis, flu/influenza, bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Fatigue support of; Specific nutrition plans i.e. elimination diet; “Super food“ choices; Supplement choices
- Traditional Chinese Medicine and interpreting physical characteristics i.e. eyes, tongue, fingernails; Toxic Load reduction and support of – my training has included reducing pesticides/herbicides used in food; heavy metals; E numbers; using filtered water etc
- Urinary/Kidney System support of – my training has included kidney stones
- Virus and anti-viral, support of i.e. foods, drinks, herbs, supplements, lifestyle choices ; Vitamin choices
- Weight Loss, support of; Women’s Health and support of – my training has included Menstruation, Fertility, Pregnancy and Menopause