IMMUNE SUPPORT re Nutrition, Lifestyle and Environmental inputs – Institute of Functional Medicine and other related information, released during Cov19 Outbreak

*** This page does not refer to diagnosing, curing or healing Cov19 and should be read in conjunction with guidelines at the foot of this page – focus is IMMUNE SUPPORT including The Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM) and is intended for Information Purposes Only ***

To link to the full list of The Institute of Functional Medicine information released during Cov19click here.

This page seeks to distribute information to a wide audience :-

1. Boosting Immunity : Functional Medicine tips on Presentation and Optimising Immune Function During the COV1D-10 (Coronavirus) Outbreak – View Information Paper, released 7th April

2. Top 6 Strategies for Managing Stress Around Infectious Disease – View Information Paper, released 7th April 2020

3. Good Sleep Hygiene May Help Protect Against Infectious Diseases – View Information Paper, released 7th April 2020

4. IFM : To Boost Immunity and Help Prevent Infections – Specific Nutraceutical and Botanical Recommendationsdownload information sheet, released 7th April 2020

Further information will be added to the end of this page re how each of the nutrients listed by IFM can be used to enhance their uptake and absorption.

5. Phytonutrient Spectrum Foods – download information foods, released 10th April 2020

6. Suggestions for Better Sleep – download information sheet, released 7th April 2020

7. Strategies for Transforming Stress – download information sheet, released 7th April

8. Tips to incorporate mindful movement every day – download information sheet, released 7th April 2020

9. Self-care Questionnaire – download information sheet, released 10th April 2020

Further detailed information re nutrients mentioned above will be linked to below list and updated :-


Most countries have guidelines re Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for vitamins, minerals and supplements, hence, should be followed along with input of your primary healthcare provider and/or professional nutritionist or naturopath.

  • Vitamin C – foods that contain Vit C; essential information to enhance uptake; food preparation techniques; supplements; cookbooks
  • Vitamin D – foods that contain Vit D; essential information to enhance uptake; food preparation techniques; supplements
  • Vitamin A – foods that contain Vitamin A; essential information to enhance uptake; food preparation techniques; supplements


  • Zinc – foods contain Zinc; essential information to enhance Zinc uptake; food preparation techniques; supplements
  • Zinc is mentioned in it’s forms acetate, citrate, picolinate, or glycinate and zinc gluconate (as a mouth lozenge)


Plants differ from other food types due to many reasons, including they contain active phytonutrients / plant chemicals. Plants develop phytonutrients as they are beneficial to their function or are part of an adaptive process re survival i.e. may discourage their prey from eating them.

Phytonutrients health benefits are scientifically proven e.g. within Natural, Herbal and Functional Medicine. In the coming months, this page will provide further information re the IFM specific phytonutrients listed in the IFM Information Sheets above :-

  • Food Elderberry (Sambucus Nigra)
  • Food Garlic, contains phytonutrient Allicium
  • Food Tumeric, contains phytonutrient Curcumin
  • Food Honey
  • Drink Green Tea, Epigallutectin Gallate (EGCG)
  • Phytonutrient Quercetin, found in Flavonoid foods
  • Phytonutrient Reserveratol


  • Probiotics

The IFM nutrient list mentions probiotics, which supports gut (Gastrointestinal tract) health.

As the gut contains approximately 70% of your immune cells, supporting gut health is particularly important, hence, more information will be provided.


  • Melatonin – IFM headquarters are in U.S.A. where melatonin is legally available to the public. As melatonin is not legally available in United Kingdom (U.K.), instead foods that support Melatonin will be mentioned i.e. cherries
  • N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)
  • Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)

If you find this information useful, updates will also appear on Facebook PRAPersonalisedHealth.

Apologies but my professional protocols require me to state

  • the IFM Information Papers are not a substitute for any countries Government advice or Healthcare Organisation input, which must always be followed – please refer to your country’s Cov19 website info i.e. for UK – UK Government Cov19
  • this web page/newsletter is for Information purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice
  • if you are in any doubt about your health then please consult with your primary healthcare provider
  • this webpage/newsletter does not state it can diagnose, cure or heal Cov19
  • as this is for Information Purposes only and no personal health case history has been considered, it cannot be construed as personal medical input, hence, if you have any health queries please consult your primary healthcare provider
  • any nutrient i.e. food, spice, vitamins, minerals or supplements or change in lifestyle may impact medication, it is for the individual to consult with their primary health care provider re what any potential impact might be
  • if you are seeking to change your diet for health reasons please consult with your primary health care provider and/or a professional nutritionist or naturopath
  • if you are within your Government’s classified vulnerable groups, you may be required to take additional precautions – as specified by your Government and healthcare organisation
  • if you think you have Cov19 or have Cov19, then follow the advice of your Government and healthcare organisation
  • the author takes no accountability or responsibility for anyone who does not abide by the above

Patricia Rose Anderson, M.A. Hons, Dip. Educ., H.N.C., NT DipCNM, mIFM, MNNA